There’s a new way to place your brand in town! In one of the episodes of the new season of Netflix’s House of Cards, two characters meet in a bar where you can see the reflection of a giant Bud neon sign through a glassed fridge door. First action: one of them offer a bottle for his mate and says ‘This one is for you.’ Budweiser slogan for years and something you can relate immediately specially under the presence of its own logo.
Also on Netflix, on the new series The Ranch, Ashton Kutcher starts the scene bringing to the family barn a bunch of lumber. He opens the dialogue saying all the different sizes of the products he is carrying: ‘Two by fours, four by fours, four by sixes’. Viewers are immediately invited to mentally relate the place where they get lumber when they need: Home Depot. Two seconds later, with no further action or dialogue, Ashton’s character says to his family: ‘Let’s do this’.
Guess what? Home Depot’s slogan.
Clever and new. We are used with companies placing their product or brands inside the content, but tricking the slogan along the plot is something very interesting and powerful. Be aware of that and try to spot the next time your show will try that on you.