Popular (marketing) wisdom tells us to never try to change people’s perceptions. It’s easier, faster and (way) cheaper to just offer them what they want. That’s common sense. But, sometimes, some companies and their delusional or megalomaniac geniuses behind the chair decide to do so. To create something new. The very wise ones will build the desire first, the only way to do it.
How can someone or some company achieve such a difficult task? Good branding, perfect PR, great product placement and most of all, precise strategy. That’s a good start. And there’s also, different degrees of difficulty implied. Simple products that are inexpensive, are more able to succeed, like a new kitchen accessory for instance. In the other hand, there’s the tricky ones and unfortunately for it, the ones that usually go very wrong and/or bankrupt. And these are the ones that make that wisdom so popular and real.
Therefore, once in a while, we see a company coming up with an insane plot. And who do you think it will be a perfect candidate to such a job? A company with (pardon my french) a shit load of money! How about the one with the most money? Apple is simply the richest corporation in the World. The company that brought us, if you recall, the Personal Computer (ironic huh?), the iPod and the iPhone.
Last month, Apple started its new quest with the release of the Apple Watch, a ‘smart’ one, able to display and interact with everything that is happening to our cell phones right now.
A real challenge in here? You bet. Apple is trying to make us wear watches again. Let’s be honest and fair to the old watch. Wow, what a great and useful invention! The wrist watch was a must have to generations and still is, one of the most iconic inventions of the 20th century. But, guess what? It is still there, but it is not essential anymore. Essential is the phone, the cell phone, the most important communication tool of the 21st. And the phone already has a freaking watch. So long wrist watch, you say!
Do you see the challenge? Apple wants to bring back the watch, after helped (big time) destroying it! The iPhone was an evolution of the cell phone, something that was predictable. The iPod was an evolution of the Walkman. The PC was something new indeed but had the push of a few companies and it was an invention really groundbreaking, something that we really needed to build the future. The wrist watch? Do you think it is going to change the world now? I don’t think so!
The Apple quest already started and it’s already being fun to watch. Money won’t be a problem. And consumers either. The company had a great job in the last few years building a legion of fans worldwide. With perfect branding and marketing, Apple is the most successful global player, with the most valuable brand in the world and a consumer base that is young and loyal at the same time.
Ok, now we know Apple did a great job. Do you think they will dare doing something else for the watch this time? Especially facing that tough job? They won’t.
In April, hundreds of major magazines across the globe came with thickly glossed pages of advertising showing the Apple Watch as this magnificent piece of modern design, a masterpiece, a jewel… The summit of technology and sophistication. And now, we have the first three films, playing everywhere from network TV to YouTube and Hulu.
They are very similar but equally genius. They are not showing what the product is about, its features or innovations, no, they are showing people wearing it. The watch is not important. You, my consumer, wearing it… That’s important!
From waking up to bedtime, the Apple Watch is now part of my life. Breakfast, lunch, work, yoga, cycling, driving, raining, happy, sad, alone, with the crowd, on a suit, in trunks or even naked, there’s between 30 and 50 suggestions of use in each of the commercials. You are already being brainwashed by Apple with at least 100 messages in every channel you lay your eyes and ears on. And it is modern, it is happy and it is emotional. They are all wearing it. Monkey see, monkey do. Everybody’s using. Oh my god, I need one for me too!
That’s dead simple. And that’s way effective. You think it is brilliant, tasteful and modern. You get overwhelmed by the simplicity, design and technology, but that’s all just plain (and dirty, maybe) ways to convince you. You should be aware of that, the way the company is. It will take time and it is going to be hard, but Apple already started strong.
Watch out! Apple's betting big